Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday In North Cross

I started my day very well, I had a yoga lesson and then went swimming with Suzan, Then I went to school, at around 10. I visited Phyllis class, she had a difficult time there because, though she had only 5 students they looked uninterested and sometimes argumentative with her. One of them said he had never read a book translated where there were dialogues or dialects shown as they are in the original versions. Phyllis invited me to give my opinion. And it seemed she liked it so much that then she asked me to give a lesson on Argentine literature, in which I'm not a specialist, but I said yes.
Later I went to see Mr Douglas a spanish teacher, he was asked his age and he managed not to answer the questions playing a game to see who could guess, in the end he said who was the winner but never his age. He's 66.
At lunch I was in Faculty meeting where they discussed the programme for the next 2/3 months of Thursday's special activities. They have some special things every Thursday prepared for all the students in Middle and Upper School.
It was Nick's birthday so I was able to see how American celebrate their birthdays, it was very intimate , very familiar, Nick opened all his presents. And we had dinner, then he went to the cinema with his friends, later I accompanied Suzan to pick him up.

1 comment:

Nina Liakos said...

I am guessing Nick is your host Susan's son. Yoga and a swim before teaching sounds nice (but improbable) to me! It's lovely to be able to participate in celebrations with a family when you are visiting a foreign country. I am very glad to see you still posting to your blog! Sorry I haven't checked it in a while.